Mr. Zuma said the global economic crisis highlighted the need to reform the international financial system and multilateral lending groups like the world bank and International Monetary Fund. 祖马说,这场全球经济危机显出,有必要改革国际金融体系和世界银行和国际货币基金组织这样的多边借贷机构。
Venezuela and Argentina have long bridled against what they see as US domination of the western hemisphere's multilateral lending institutions, and want more control over the region's development. 长期以来,委内瑞拉和阿根廷一直对它们眼中美国主宰西半球多国贷款机构的局面深感愤怒,两国希望能在更大程度上控制南美的发展。
Persuading China to play a constructive part in reform of the ADB, and to offer support for high quality multilateral lending, will be one of the big challenges in adapting to the new realities of a prosperous Asia. 说服中国在亚行改革过程中发挥具有建设性的作用,为高质量的多边贷款提供支持,将是亚行在顺应繁荣亚洲的新现实时所面临的重大挑战之一。
Officials from multilateral lending institutions have been tight-lipped about the consequences but warn privately that, should the deal result in the state contracting fresh debt, it could scupper the write-off. 多边贷款机构的官员对于后果一直保持缄默,但曾私下警告称,如果与中国的交易导致刚果(金)债务增加,有可能使免债协议泡汤。
Multilateral agencies are stepping up lending to the agricultural sector in poorer and middle-income countries to encourage and support good policies. 多边机构正加大对较贫穷和中等收入国家农业领域的贷款力度,以鼓励并支持良好的政策。
We will continue to work with multilateral development banks, and encourage national development banks, to optimise use of their balance sheets to provide additional lending and ensure our work on infrastructure benefits low-income countries. 我们将继续同多边开发银行合作,并鼓励各国开发银行,通过优化资产负债表的方式提供额外贷款,并确保G20在基础设施领域的工作惠及低收入国家。